Unbeatable Pricing And Unparalleled Service!

Donna Copeland is an Independent Sales Representative for Electronic Payments Inc. and owner of Castleton Paper.  1.800.613.2354   

EPI Guarantees to Match or Better All Competitors' Offers. We're confident that Electronic Payments will fulfill your processing needs. Whether it's our software solutions, merchant pricing, credit card terminal features, or the need for 24/7 Tech Support, we know selecting a processor is a business decision you take seriously. We've established our Customer Bill of Rights in order to solidify our commitment to you, our merchant, and ensure that you are a satisfied, long-term, customer of Electronic Payments. As part of the Bill of Rights, we guarantee you'll never have to switch processors when the "next best thing" comes along. We'll be here for you every step of the way, and we'll provide your business with programs and services that help you grow your bottom line. 

We'll be there to meet or beat any competitor's similar offer for the same services, including processing. 
Meet or beat guaranteed.